Friday, March 7, 2008

In today's world, Health Insurance is a necessity

Let's face it, in today's world, health insurance is a necessity. With medical expenses soaring higher than ever, paying for them could have you digging deep into your savings. So, when it comes to healthcare for you and your family, the importance of having health and medical insurance cannot be stressed enough, especially in the event of a medical emergency situation.

However with so many different options available, it can often be difficult to choose the right type of health insurance plan to fit your individual needs. Therefore, it helps to know some of the things to look for when you are trying to find a good plan as well as to enlist the services of a qualified insurance agent.
What types of health insurance are available? Health insurance plans generally fall into one of two categories: Indemnity plans and Managed care plans.eHealthInsurance - FREE Instant Quotes!

An indemnity plan allows you to choose your own doctors and pays for your medical expenses--totally, in part, or up to a specified amount per day for a specified number of days. (also known as reimbursement plans)
Managed care plans such as health maintenance organizations (HMOs), preferred provider organizations (PPOs), and point of service (POS) plans. Generally provide broader coverage, but they all involve an arrangement between the insurer and a selected network of health-care providers (doctors, hospitals, etc.). For example, an HMO will require that a primary care physician in the network coordinate all of your care and refer you to specialists in the network.

No matter which type of health insurance you buy, you'll need to make sure it offers the right kinds of coverage, so it is crucial that you understand your health insurance choices and pick the insurance that is best for you and your family.You may want to consult a eHealthInsurance agent.
Here are some questions you should ask yourself when choosing a health insurance plan:

How affordable is the cost of care?
What is the monthly premium I will have to pay?
Should I try to insure most of my medical expenses or just the large ones?
What deductibles will I have to pay out-of-pocket before insurance starts to reimburse me?
After I’ve met my deductible, what percentage of my medical expenses is reimbursed?
How much less am I reimbursed if I use doctors outside the insurance company’s network?
Does the insurance plan cover the services I am likely to use?
Are the doctors, hospitals, laboratories and other medical providers that I use in the insurance company’s network?
If I want to use a doctor outside the network, will the plan permit it?
How easily can I change primary-care physicians if I want to?
Do I need to get permission before I see a medical specialist?
What are the procedures for getting care and being reimbursed in an emergency situation, both at home or out of town?
If I have a preexisting medical condition, will the plan cover it?
If I have a chronic condition such as asthma, cancer, AIDS or alcoholism, how will the plan treat it?
Are the prescription medicines that I use covered by the plan?
Does the plan reimburse alternative medical therapies such as acupuncture or chiropractic treatment?
Does the plan cover the costs of delivering a baby?

For your insurance information we suggest you visit eHealthInsurance - FREE Instant Quotes!

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